Tuesday 3 November 2015


                                                          NAME: SIMI.U

CULLEN and PRATT suggested that in inclusive environments, assessment can help determine if objectives were achieved and assist in the development and implementation of individualized education programs. In addition through evaluation, teachers can determine the direction of future instruction and develop a basis for extra help where needed. The overriding purpose for all assessment is to gather information to facilitate decision making. These may be global decisions, such as how well the students does when compared with the rest of his or her class or local decisions, such as the material that the individual student has mastered and the material he or she needs to review .The purpose of assessment is to indentify changes that are needed in behavior or environment and to decide how to accomplish the goals of the needed changes. Assessment is seen as part of the learning process and is in itself a learning experience.

Assessment can be done on the following basis:
1.           STUDENT  PROGRESS
          While underlying principles of assessing the performance of students do not change when applied to modern educational system. The importance of integrating assessment with instruction. They were as follows:
·     Assessment instruments and activities should be congruent with the learning goals and skills required of the learner throughout education program.
·     Assessment and management strategies should be integral parts of the learning experience, enabling learners to assess their progress, to identify review and to reestablish immediate learning or lesson goals.
·     Assessment and Measurement strategies should accommodate the special characteristic and situation of the learner.
               The key in assessing the performance of students in learning is to remain focused on the learners’ attainment of the instructors stated goals and objectives. Monitoring of student progress facilitates two primary types of evaluation, formative and summative. Formative evaluation can be built upon and weakness that need prescriptive feedback that will encourage both instructors. Student reflection on ways to improve professional development and training.
The teacher understands the central concepts, tools, of the disciplines he or she teaches and can create learning experience that make these subject matter meaningful to students. The teacher understands how children learn and develop and can provide learning opportunities that support their intellectual, social and development. Teacher uses instructional strategies that are effective and appropriate to the content. Teacher conveys accurate content knowledge including standard based content knowledge. The evidence of student learning should be supplied where applicable to a descriptor. Such evidences include student conference outcomes, student work sample demonstrating progress, assessment records, teachers reflection on students progress etc....
                Teachers communicate student- learning growth to parents by giving frequent and specific feedback. From the point of view of parents, the students’ performance can be assessed.        Performance standard are an assessment. Grading and reporting student achievement is a caring sensitive process requires teacher’s professional judgments.
                          As a parent, it is critical that you know about alternative types of classroom based assessment, in addition to traditional tests and the standardized tests mandated school authorities. The teachers review of the child’s daily work in class help the parents to assess their student’s performance.


        Assessing student’s progress is very essential on behalf of a teacher, parents and students. Each one is required to know the improvement occurring in the educational process.

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